Hello, Deno

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Deno v1 is here, and so is my experiment. Unlike my usual first programs, this one is a bit better than a pure “Hello, world”. So not only it is a meaningful program (does not literally print out “hello world”), it also has data models, unit tests and CI integration (Travis). From its documentation: A […]

Express API Refkit

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Projects & Experiments Leave a comment

https://github.com/anuragbhd/express-api-refkit I frequently create APIs for muse/professional apps, and every time I find myself scrambling to pick the best pieces from my previously built APIs or online repositories. To streamline this, I recently created this reference kit (mostly for myself) to help me in writing a production-grade Express-based API from scratch. Sharing with this group in hopes that my fellow […]

Granular Package Archive

Posted on under Projects & Experiments 2 Comments

Continuing my Java learning stint, I started experimenting on RPM packages in the Granular 2008 repository by extracting meta data from them using various Java classes I had written for my on-going college major project. To give a shape (end-user interface) to these leisurely done Java programs, I used my existing project MyBlog to create […]