Hello, Deno

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Deno v1 is here, and so is my experiment. Unlike my usual first programs, this one is a bit better than a pure “Hello, world”. So not only it is a meaningful program (does not literally print out “hello world”), it also has data models, unit tests and CI integration (Travis). From its documentation: A […]

Express API Refkit

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https://github.com/anuragbhd/express-api-refkit I frequently create APIs for muse/professional apps, and every time I find myself scrambling to pick the best pieces from my previously built APIs or online repositories. To streamline this, I recently created this reference kit (mostly for myself) to help me in writing a production-grade Express-based API from scratch. Sharing with this group in hopes that my fellow […]

The charm of functional programming

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While reading modern JavaScript code, you might have come across such things as Array.prototype.map(), Array.prototype.filter(), pure functions, higher order functions, the spread operator, etc. Basically, all the things that React and Redux made us write willingly or unwillingly. I am not going to spend the next 2-3 hrs going into finer details about FP. Instead, […]

The joy of creating in Flutter

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I am now officially in love with Flutter. What started as a crush has turned into something palpable. For the past 2 weeks, I have been heavily invested in learning Flutter from App Brewery’s bootcamp-style course. If there’s one takeaway from the course, it is this: Flutter+Dart is a lethal combination. I have now come […]

Fetch API – was I living on Mars?

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I stumbled upon Fetch API today. It’s this simple: fetch(url) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the response object into json .then(function(data) { // Do what the hell I want to do with received JSON data }) })fetch(url) .then((resp) => resp.json()) // Transform the response object into json .then(function(data) { // Do what the hell I […]

TypeScript, whoa!

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Finally the time has come. I had been avoiding it for years. I cannot escape it anymore. Finally the time has come to learn and embrace TypeScript. I am developing a small proof of concept mobile app at work. Creating mobile apps, especially hybrid ones, is not a big task anymore. Only this time instead of […]