WordPress: Internal Server Error (500) after moving to new location

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You follow the official WordPress migration documentation and still end up with the dreaded internal server error. This little incident launches you into panic mode. You spend the next 30-60 mins googling a fix for this godforsaken situation. Most of the solutions you come across mention something about fixing/deleting your .htaccess file. Alas, that doesn’t work […]

Running opentaps in Windows

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So I’m playing around with opentaps these days. It runs pretty neatly in Linux. Simply executing a shell script it comes with autostarts a built-in Tomcat server and runs the darn thing without a hitch. opentaps under Windows is another animal! Although opentaps comes with a similar batch script for Windows, the thing doesn’t run […]

Sencha Touch: Accessing a remote API that is under Basic Authentication

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Tutorials 2 Comments

ST makes it pretty straightforward to access webservices or APIs through its various data proxies and Ext.Ajax. But consuming an API protected under basic authentication can be tricky. Both data proxies and Ext.Ajax provide setUsername() and setPassword() methods, and they work fine on most browsers. But in my experience using these methods, I had big […]

MonoDevelop 4: CSS files not loading for an ASP.NET MVC4 site

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Tutorials 3 Comments

If you are like me — always living in Linux, but sometimes being required to develop ASP.NET sites — you have no doubt used MonoDevelop. While its latest iteration brings in many good things, it’s still not the ready-to-use Visual Studio. Once you are past the System.UnauthorizedAccessException and Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.WebPages’ […]

Hosting meteor.js app in IIS

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Tutorials 10 Comments

Making reactive and real-time web applications is in fashion these days. Among popular real-time programming frameworks are meteor.js, knockout.js and signalr. Both Knockout and SignalR are developed by Microsoft employees, and integrate seamlessly with Microsoft products. Meteor, on the other hand, is though based on the cross-platform node.js, it is more Linux / Mac-centric than […]