Sencha Touch: Third-party plugins and build errors

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Nothing beats Sencha Touch when it comes to sheer number of options and versatility in developing for the mobile. ST has truly set the benchmark of mobile development done right with each major release. It has a vibrant user community, and a robust enterprise adoption. But, sadly, although the documentation is good, it sometimes feels a bit incomplete. If it weren’t for stackoverflow and ST’s official forums, it would have been difficult for me to complete some aspects of my recent mobile app project. Coming to the point…

ST recently announced the much awaited grid feature . They call it Touch Grid. On the surface, it looks super-customizable (just like everything else ST) and enterprise-ready. In short, it’s just what everyone was waiting for. Unfortunately, it is not available for free. Touch Grid comes as part of the Sencha Touch Bundle, something only suited to the enterprise due to its staggering $695 cost.

A couple of months ago, I was looking for something like Touch Grid for my app. The exorbitant pricing of ST Bundle compelled me to look for free alternatives. That was when I found Ext.ux.touch.grid. Its last release was well over a year ago now, and was tested with ST 2.2. But it still works with ST 2.3 (the current release). Including its source folder “Ext.ux.touch.grid” in the root of my ST app and adding a reference to it in my app.js was all that was needed to get it to work.

When I built my app for production deployment (sencha app build production), I got this error:

Unknown definition for dependency: Ext.ux.touch.grid

The above error basically pops up because of not adding a dependency (say, a plugin) in your ST app’s classpath. Adding it to the classpath resulted in the yet another error:

com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

A small tweak fixed this error: I created a new folder “plugins” in the root of my app and moved the “Ext.ux.touch.grid” folder into it. I edited my app.js to change the plugin’s path, and likewise changed the classpath.

Add this to the top of app.js (before Ext.application declaration):

    enabled: true,
    paths: {
        'Ext.ux.touch.grid': './plugins/Ext.ux.touch.grid'

And add the “plugins” folder to the app’s classpath (edit .sencha/app/sencha.cfg):


Now build again, and all should be fine!
Happy coding.

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