Book Review: Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku

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Cross-posted from Goodreads: Michio Kaku’s Parallel Worlds is a book about the science behind the multiverse and parallel universes. And no, it’s not a bunch of mathematical equations and theoretical derivations. Rather everything is explained in classical Michio Kaku style, in layman speak. I bought it 6 years ago as research material for my […]

Book Review: The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Posted on under Literary Pursuits 2 Comments

Cross-posted from Goodreads: This one is bold! May not be for the faint of heart. 4WW is a book about the realization that living your dreams is as important as doing your 9-5 job. Ferriss’ casual style of writing is motivating and quirky. I personally found his thought process and “lifestyle design” tips to […]

Whatever happened to…

Posted on under Life & Thoughts 4 Comments

Software come and go. We like some, despise some and are neutral to others. Most of the good and useful software obtain a huge following and userbase, and usually survive for a very long time until either a better software appears or the technology changes. There also are software that are based on innovative ideas, […]

A Wednesday – a review

Posted on under Life & Thoughts 2 Comments

Simply hats off to it! A brilliant and rare combination of a thriller script, excellent performances, state-of-art direction and moral value. Very rare will you find such movies in the Bollywood industry, where most of the movies’ stories are derived from Hollywood or the films are made keeping in mind the action and comedy loving […]