Featured image credit https://themegrill.com/blog/medium-vs-wordpress
So apparently Medium has redefined the blogging ecosystem. It’s like every fourth blog post I come across is on Medium. Have all serious bloggers moved away from WordPress to Medium?
Has WordPress–once bloggers’ paradise–not kept pace with the changing blogging landscape? Don’t get me wrong. I adore WordPress, which also powers this very website.
I think one of the key reasons for WP falling out of favor of serious bloggers lies in the way it is used today. Because of its huge plugins and themes ecosystem, people are using it as a general-purpose CMS rather than using it as a standalone blogging engine. Individuals, startups and enterprises are building beautiful websites on top of WordPress. In fact, in the last couple of years whenever I decided to change my blog’s theme I ended up being thrown at me (by Google search results) ‘top’ WP themes that were all startupy and enterprisey. Just what happened to the bloggy themes? Seems like theme designers no longer care about blog-focused themes; they create what people demand.
I have high hopes that the upcoming v5 of WordPress will be revolutionary and will bring back fun to blogging.