I never imagined this day would come. I am finally trying to catch up with the RoR phenomenon. And I am at least 8-10 years late. Teaching enterprise software development made me appreciate a strict adherence to coding best practices even more. That’s where Rail’s philosophy got me interested, especially its Convention over Configuration doctrine.
What this means is I will have to learn Ruby first! I’ve heard a lot of “Ruby is a fun language”, “Ruby is perfect for beginners”, and what not. Coming from a Python background, I had personally never felt the need of checking out Ruby. I do not aspire to become a language ninja. Java, C#, JavaScript, Python and PHP are good enough for me. For me they serve different purposes and I love them all. Can Ruby become my latest muse? Let’s see in the next few days.
Right now I’m readying my Visual Studio Code to support RoR apps better. I found this cool extension for the purpose. Haven’t installed it yet, though.