10 kilometers

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I recorded my first ever 10 kms run. I’m feeling quite pumped about it. In the last few months, I’ve seen my stamina increase a bit thanks to my consistent tennis practice routine, which now includes cycling 6 kms to the courts, some stretching and warmup, about an hour of tennis, and cycling 6 kms back home. I always look forward to the cycle rides. And tennis, of course!

Today’s run didn’t feel too hard. Sure, after 5 or 6 kms my legs started to complain as cramps set in. But overall it was a mostly comfortably run. As you can guess from the numbers, I didn’t run the whole 10 kms: it was a mix of running, jogging, and walking.

I think there’s scope for more. I can do it by either optimizing my distance in the same amount of time or just spend more time running. Time is a crucial factor, of course. Squeezing out more than 60-75 mins is quite unpractical.

1 thought on “10 kilometers

  1. […] on Nike+ and tried multiple tactics to boost my stamina and speed. I did my first and only 10 km run earlier this year. Despite running for so long, I almost always found it unpleasant. No matter what […]

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