MyBlog 0.5 released

Posted on 2 Comments

MyBlog is a very simple, nice looking, fast, and easy-to-use blogging application targeted to be used as personal blog. It has been completely coded in PHP, and uses MySQL as the database backend. Unlike many other blogging systems available, like WordPress, Movable Type, etc., MyBlog contains only those features that should be sufficient enough to maintain a personal blog. This adds to the fast speed blogging offered by MyBlog.

Read more about MyBlog or check out detailed features of it.

Some salient features of Myblog:

  • A full-featured Dashboard (admin area).
  • Uses FCKEditor for creating dealing with posts and adding comments.
  • Categories are supported.
  • There are specialized pages – MyWidgets, MyMovies, MyGames and MyWebsites.

Demo (see MyBlog live in action)
Download (browse through the download archive)

Happy blogging! 😀

2 thoughts on “MyBlog 0.5 released

  1. Hiya, sorry to ask this here but… I really love your theme, would it happen to be a free one i can download somewhere, or is it a custom theme you had made? Soon i will be launching my own blog, however i’m not great with designs but i do like the style of your site so it would be excellent if i could find (or buy) something with a similar look as my last designer cannot finish my site. 🙂 Thanks!

  2. August,

    Are you talking about the MyBlog or the theme of this WordPress blog? Both of them are free to use. The theme I am using here is called iNove. Go, get it for yourself if you want it. 🙂

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