TypeScript, whoa!

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Finally the time has come. I had been avoiding it for years. I cannot escape it anymore. Finally the time has come to learn and embrace TypeScript. I am developing a small proof of concept mobile app at work. Creating mobile apps, especially hybrid ones, is not a big task anymore. Only this time instead of […]

Ruby and ES6

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puts "Hello, #{first_name}. What are you upto today?"puts "Hello, #{first_name}. What are you upto today?" console.log (`Hello, ${firstName}. What are you upto today?`)console.log (`Hello, ${firstName}. What are you upto today?`) So, I am learning Ruby these days. You have heard of this book, haven’t you? Learn Ruby the Hard Way. Me? I found it only […]

Trying out Ruby on Rails

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I never imagined this day would come. I am finally trying to catch up with the RoR phenomenon. And I am at least 8-10 years late. Teaching enterprise software development made me appreciate a strict adherence to coding best practices even more. That’s where Rail’s philosophy got me interested, especially its Convention over Configuration doctrine. What […]

WordPress: Internal Server Error (500) after moving to new location

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You follow the official WordPress migration documentation and still end up with the dreaded internal server error. This little incident launches you into panic mode. You spend the next 30-60 mins googling a fix for this godforsaken situation. Most of the solutions you come across mention something about fixing/deleting your .htaccess file. Alas, that doesn’t work […]

Running opentaps in Windows

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So I’m playing around with opentaps these days. It runs pretty neatly in Linux. Simply executing a shell script it comes with autostarts a built-in Tomcat server and runs the darn thing without a hitch. opentaps under Windows is another animal! Although opentaps comes with a similar batch script for Windows, the thing doesn’t run […]

Sencha Touch: Accessing a remote API that is under Basic Authentication

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ST makes it pretty straightforward to access webservices or APIs through its various data proxies and Ext.Ajax. But consuming an API protected under basic authentication can be tricky. Both data proxies and Ext.Ajax provide setUsername() and setPassword() methods, and they work fine on most browsers. But in my experience using these methods, I had big […]