MongoDB is super fun

Posted on under Coding & Tech 1 Comment

If, like me, you were born under the zodiac sign of The Web, and are a seasoned JSON-weilding web developer, MongoDB will amuse you like nothing. As weird as the name sounds, the actual usage experience is awesome because of its JSON-like commands. And clubbed with meteor.js, it is nothing short of legendary. It’s sweet!

TestDisk — A life saver

Posted on under Coding & Tech 2 Comments

Turning on your computer one not-so-fine day just to discover an entire partition (drive on harddisk) gone is nothing short of a nightmare potent enough to give you a mild heart attack. Unfortunately, exactly that happened to me yesterday. An ardent distro hopper that I am, I recently installed (K)Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. Things […]


Posted on under Coding & Tech 2 Comments

INTERESTING How you determine your age? I was born in 1987 and this is 2011, so I am 24 years old right now. How most computer systems determine your age? Time passed since 1st January 1970 till now (2011) minus Time passed since 1st January 1970 till when you were born (1987) equals (well, again) […]