Prettier - The Opinionated Code Formatter

Fascinated by opinionated frameworks

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Reading the Rails Doctrine the first time was refreshing. I have gone through it half a dozen times post that. After writing a production-grade project based on Ruby on Rails, something got awoken in me — a fascination for opinionated frameworks. Rails is not the only opinionated framework; there are perhaps a hundred others out there. It’s one of the best and most respected for sure.

An opinionated framework is one that, rather than letting a developer pick her or his choice of building blocks (libraries, components, structure, etc.), cockily comes with a pre-selected building blocks and dictates what to use and how. One may love them or hate them, but they definitely reduce development time exponentially. That’s, at least, true for me.

Today I chanced upon Prettier – an opinionated code formatter with lots of assumptions and only a few customization options, the sort of thing I’d love. It’d be nice to have a powerful tool by my side that could take care of the arduous task of keeping my code nicely formatted all the time, even when it might be at the cost of my own style of coding. I am mostly willing to sacrifice coding style for speed.

I’ll try using it extensively in a personal project. If I have something bad to report, you’ll see another blog post here. If not, it’ll be for the good of Prettier ๐Ÿ˜‰

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