My little improvement to an already great WordPress to Twitter plugin

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I am blogging as much as I am tweeting these days. To keep the momentum going, I decided to link my blog with Twitter. I checked available plugins and instantly linked WP Twitter Auto Publish. It has a rating of 4.8 (with 130 ratings), which I think is great for a WordPress plugin. It’s both simple and sophisticated at the same time: pretty customizable, a lot of options. Posting of featured image along with post title/content has to be one of the best features.

I found one thing missing, though — the ability to automatically use post tags as tweet hashtags. Instead of writing to the developers, requesting them to add this feature and then waiting for a few days or weeks or months, I decided to hack plugin’s code myself. The result can be seen in my tweet generated by this post.

As the plugin is open-source, I have published my code changes to my GitHub. I have dropped a Slack message to the developer requesting him to merge.

P.S. WordPress plugin ecosystem is still based on SVN. Really?

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