Vista & Ubuntu – the similarities

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Windows Vista and Ubuntu Linux – both are totally disparate entities and I am talking about similarities? Yup, I sure am. And I have reasons to believe this.

Most of us know what Vista is. Vista is the latest edition to the most popular operating system (OS) lineup – Windows. For those who are unfamiliar with Ubuntu, Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux-based OS that is available for free.

Here I discuss some of the similarities that I have noted in due course of my usage of both the operating systems.

In both, the name given to the central access point to all the disks and partitions on a computer is “Computer”. In earlier versions of Windows, we used to know it with the name “My Computer”.

Sub-folders in user profile folder
The default folders present in the user profile folder (or the home folder) are something like – Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos – in both the OSes.

Graphical effects
Starting from Ubuntu 7.10, both the OSes have given stress on providing graphical desktop effects to the end user. In Ubuntu, the effects are a result of Compiz Fusion software. In Vista, the most common and appealing effect is Flip 3D.

Creation of a new folder
When a new file/folder is created within another folder in either of the OS, the newly created item rearranges itself automatically in alphabetical order with respect to the other items contained by the parent folder. This wasn’t the case in earlier versions of Windows.

Renaming file
When a file is renamed (by right-clicking and choosing “Rename” or by pressing F2) in either of OSes, only the name of the file is selected, leaving the file extension unselected.

Navigation strip
When a folder within a folder within a folder (and so on…) is visited, a navigation strip appears near the top of the explorer/file manager window. In both the OSes, this navigation strip is very similar looking and a helpful aid.

Does this imply anything? Were Vista’s features inspired by Ubuntu? Or Ubuntu’s features by Vista? Or neither of the cases. It’s upto you to decide. 😉

Note: The similarities between Vista and Ubuntu are primarily because of the desktop environment used by Ubuntu – GNOME. So, these similarities are common between Vista and many other Linux distributions that use the latest version of GNOME.

10 thoughts on “Vista & Ubuntu – the similarities

  1. Graphical Effects are NOT a similarity. UBUNTU IS AT LEAST 10 YEARS AHEAD OF VISTA.
    Vista has only this “Flip” effect which Ubuntu does it better!!(In Ubuntu’s flip there is also reflection!)
    So please edit your post and include the really amazing pictures of Cube, Cylinder,sphere, fire, water, wobbly windows, desktop wall,animations and any other you like.

  2. I can make it shorter: Slow, bloated, and give like operating systems (Win 2000/XP, and other Linux distros, respectively) a bad name.

  3. L,
    Well, sure graphics effects are not exactly same, but let’s not forget that Ubuntu was the first distro to have enabled graphics effects on by default. Yeah, sure thing that Ubuntu’s effects are far superior than Vista’s. 😉

    Yup, Windows can be given such well-deserved names.

  4. I do like the fact that they leave the file extensions there.
    But I do have to agree that Ubuntu Linux is way far ahead of the graphical effects.


  5. Comparing the two more accurately would require the inclusion of user input of ease of use of both OSes. I have found that younger people adapt more quickly to Vista than Ubuntu, whilst older WinXP-weaned oldies like myself find Ubuntu much easier to grow fond of.
    Not all versions of Vista include that Aero thingie, but all versions of Ubuntu include CompizFusion, which will run on most systems. The renaming file feature has been around long before Vista was even released. M$ is trying to catch up with FOSS and losing ground, I’m afraid. Oh, and one *striking* contrast between the two: price??!?

  6. Yup, price is the best element of difference between the two. 😉

  7. ubuntu is ages ahead when it comes to the special effects and the desktop GUI is very customizable in fact you can make look like anything you want.

  8. Okay, don’t even try to compare similarities between Ubuntu and Vista. I can’t even begin to think where to explain. Not only the visual effects, but also the software(grant it in some area’s still lacking behind) the brilliant formatting used for Linux, and the system’s impenetrability to viruses. Honestly, who can say they ever had a virus hit their Linux tux? And I’m sure that some day Wine, PlayOnLinux, and Mono will even catch up in full(100%), running windows applications and GAMES.

  9. @Henry
    I share similar feelings with you on this. What I did in this blog was just an informal comparison of similar features between the two OSes, but that is all. I have to agree with you on that nothing can beat Linux virus impermeability!

    And yeah, though Wine is not a comprehensive solution to running all Windows apps on Linux, it won’t be too late when it will become more mainstream. 🙂

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