TestDisk — A life saver

Posted on under Coding & Tech 2 Comments

Turning on your computer one not-so-fine day just to discover an entire partition (drive on harddisk) gone is nothing short of a nightmare potent enough to give you a mild heart attack. Unfortunately, exactly that happened to me yesterday. An ardent distro hopper that I am, I recently installed (K)Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. Things […]

Here comes GNOME 3

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Open-Source 1 Comment


GNOME 3 is finally here, and it looks so darn beautiful in the screenshots. I admit, being a KDE fanboy, I was not as excited about this release as I was about KDE 4, but going by the looks, GNOME 3 looks elegant, modern, and [most importantly] stable. Cannot wait to put my hands on […]