Clean Code

Posted on under Coding & Tech 3 Comments

There’s a bunch of technical books sitting in my Amazon wishlist for quite some time. Poor books! They could not end up in my shopping cart for a myriad of reasons, laziness to read being chief amongst them. The importance of reading technical books simply cannot be overstated. Or reading articles, for that matter. Reading […]

Fixing headphone jack in Ubuntu 20.04

Posted on under Coding & Tech 10 Comments

As weird and funny as it may sound, Ubuntu isn’t able to play sounds on my laptop‘s 3.5mm headphone jack. Yes, the gentle, innocuous, innocent headphone jack that we all love and use. And mine’s not even a super-fancy laptop with uncommon hardware. It’s a Dell Inspiron 7000 series laptop with an Intel chipset. How […]

Hello, Deno

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Projects & Experiments Leave a comment

Deno v1 is here, and so is my experiment. Unlike my usual first programs, this one is a bit better than a pure “Hello, world”. So not only it is a meaningful program (does not literally print out “hello world”), it also has data models, unit tests and CI integration (Travis). From its documentation: A […]

Express API Refkit

Posted on under Coding & Tech, Projects & Experiments Leave a comment I frequently create APIs for muse/professional apps, and every time I find myself scrambling to pick the best pieces from my previously built APIs or online repositories. To streamline this, I recently created this reference kit (mostly for myself) to help me in writing a production-grade Express-based API from scratch. Sharing with this group in hopes that my fellow […]